Winter is upon us, now it's just me and the big horking van doing suicide missions going to work every d a m n day!
We have an empty office space for rent in the same complex I work in, I'm thinking of asking Gord if we can set up house keeping there for the winter instead of renting it out. All I would have to do in the morning is roll over a snowbank and land at my work's front door. Sound's like a plan to me.
I know, it's always the first snowfall that gits you all stressed out, but Winnipeg drivers are from a different planet, and have no idea what ice means for the first 4 days after a snowfall. (make that 987 days).. no idea at all....none.
I'm getting just a little tired of teaching em lessons too. You don't really want to run into me, no you don't.
#1. I have huge STEEL have iddy biddy pieces of recycled plasic on yours, that crumble when a fly hits it.
#2. When I'm driving, I'm looking down at you little ants scurring around in your plastic cars ... I'm waiting...yup..just waiting.. I am your worst enemy.
#3. If I am watching TV while I am driving, don't try to cut in front of me, because I WILL TAKE YOU OUT! "All My Children" comes on at 12:00 PM as I am leaving work to come home for lunch. I don't like any interuptions.
#4. Don't play any of that loud music while you are beside me. I can't see your puny little car, and I might just make a sudden lane change to stop the noise.
#5. You might note the size of the tires on my big horking van. They are the width of a very old redwood tree, therefore I have little or no chance of stopping on ice at any given time. Give me a wide berth. This picture is where he had the old tires and rims on it. Gord has since then tried to kill me off with realllllly wide ones. I don't get it. He doesn't want to drive the van, but ...oh I get it ...he really wants to bump me off..okay then.
#6. If you don't see me at the wheel at all, assume that I have either: dropped my cigarette, am looking for loose change, or adjusting my unmentionables. Dam those thongs..
#7. If you are an observant driver, you will notice that I keep a close schedule. If you prefer not to be on the road at the same time as me, please adjust yours.
There, now I have all the rules of the road established! (mopping my sweaty brow).
.....but shit...I still have to go out there tomorrow and make it happen.
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