Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pittery Patter Let's Get Atter!!

I finally got the spirit today, not into the spirits you (*&^^%$%%! However, speaking about spirits, I got my batch on wine done, and I have to say it is excellent. The last batch had a peculiar taste, much like old socks. So, I had to either drink it or dump it, I did a little of both. God, it was gross. This tastes nice and light and barely has any alcohol in it. Just enough for a light buzz. I like to experiment with the wine making, and I'm finding that the more water I put in it, the better it is. Sometimes the kit put's a little too much concentrate juice in it. I love the taste, but sometimes the quality is somewhat off.

Every batch is another experiment..and a chance to do something different.

I can't wait for for a week off. YOU have no idea how much I need this break. I have to make the family Christmas dinner on boxing day, but I have pretty well got that under control. "KFC"..just kidding fortheloveofadrumstick...but it was on my radar...and it might just surface again before the day approches. I haven't gone shopping yet.

hmmm order in?...chicken, chicken fingers, gravy, taters, cranberry dressing, coleslaw, and rolls, no fuss no muss. Paper plates, plastic forks, knives,napkins, all in one big fucking paper bag. Now, why would I slave away in the kitchen all day? I have never ever had boxing day to myself, I am always stressing out about the supper.

What do you think? Gord's family is pretty easy going..

So, don't just side with me because I am lazy, do I keep up the homemade turkey dinner tradition, or do I make some new memories? All the little kid's will probably remember me as Auntie Balonie the KFC Chicken Shit. But, I think I can live with that.


Special K said...

I can think of a certain blogger who would love you forever if you made a KFC Boxing Day dinner. (It's not me, but it's someone well known to me, and you.)

"Fortheloveofadrumstick." Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I'd make it as easy as you can on yourself if you can. This bunch around here always wants a 10 or more dish dinner that takes me HOURS to cook, and forever to clean up but takes them 10 to 15 minutes to scarf down.

Anonymous said...

KFC hands down. Period. Why not kill two (or several) birds with one stone? New memories, no fuss/no muss, and you get to enjoy the day too? I see no downside.

AndiePandie said...

Definitely go with the chicken. Especially if you are having a shit ton of people over. Go with what's easiest and easiest to eat. :)

Why am I not surprised Leslie voted for KFC? LOL

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!! And it surely will be that around you...who cares what you eat?? That is surely not what Christmas is about...
Have a hot dog if you like!!!

Anonymous said...

Wish I were there to help you sip wine!!! Yeah Baby!!!

ellen said...

KFC sounds dandy to me. Yum.

Joan said...

Well, you have voted, and KFC she be!!

I will go on at great lengths on my blog. oy!

Mary Lou said...

KFC dinners come in BOXES right? BOXING DAY....BOXES....COOL!!