Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I haven't done pic's in ages

I've been meaning to put up pics for some time now, and I haven't because there never seems to be enough moments in the day...nevermind minutes or hours. I'm getting pretty tired of that shit. I have had exactly 5 days off since last Christmas. My heart, body and mind grow weary. It's quite here tonight, Gord has gone to a meeting and it's just me and a pot of split pea and ham soup. Which is smelling mighty fine right now. I put it on a little late, but it should be ready...when I am. Exhaling.............

I've been getting ready for the holidays since two weeks ago, and was doing some house cleaning and wanted to show you my progress. I actually cleaned out my fridge. Gone were the fuzzy green peppers, mushrooms, and cabbage ( I have no idea I had cabbage..whoa). +39 Tupperware containers containing .. some reddish stuff yuk. I took a big brush to the fridge and cleaned her up, and then I tackled my very grungy cupboards ......oy it's not for the faint of heart.

She is clean as a whistle... except I can't open the door to the freezer section wide enough, because my patio doors are in the way....so I can't get out the bin at the bottom to clean it. So it stayed ...ummm the way it was. You can't see it...thankdelord.

And look how shiny her coat is. Oops she's not dog, but a shiny coat has she. I even got all the mineral deposits out of the ice maker thingofamajig. Okay, I got a some of it off, but that sucker is a bitch.

On to cupboard cleaning ...stepfordwifestyle:

All my plastic shit is in order. Lids are all in a big container, instead of strewn around the entire cupboard. Measuring cups are in order...bowls etc. are placed back into the sized containers. You know when you have 3 bowls small medium and large, and you never put them back .. one on top of each other..and they start to mutate and start to live a life of their own. You can never find the little one, because it has migrated to the back of the cupboard along with 5000 lids from your frigging Tupperware shit, and those lids don't even have a home, because between you and me, God has taken some of those containers home, and forgot the lids.

This is a "before" picture...of my upper cupboard. Not to pretty is it? I have a noodle fetish. I throw things in this cupboard...or I should say I throw noodles at this cupboard. No, I just chuck everything I haven't got a place for in this cupboard. Unfortunately, I did not take the after picture, because you would have seen all those noodles in a row in noodle containers. I have a filing noodle system going on. I assure you no mice were trapped in there...but it could have happened.

This is a under exposed picture of my boy "slim".... for some reason I can't take a decent picture of him at night...schweinhund!! I think I had my settings farted up...sue me. And my lampshade is crooked, or was the picture taker..crooked.. it's a toss up.

My little critters on the Christmas tree..holiday tradition

Remember Gingerbread man and Ben the moose.......
Gingerbread man is unaware...and singing German Christmas carols....while Ben (the gay moose) is just starting to make his moves. I don't know how it ended, I left them there, and the next morning I found gingerbread man on his cell phone calling his homeys....and saying "score." So, I'm thinking he and Ben will be okay. So that a relief, I hate decent ion under my tree.

Well I had more, but blogger said...E-nuff you cannot post anymore pictures HERE, because it's for free, or for some other dumb ass reason.... you didn't miss anything, the rest were probably of my ugly lazy boy chairs from the the 1990's. I like to show off my stuff held up by duct tape.


Anonymous said...

And I see ya baked some gigya.com cookies for my browser too! ;-)

Brenda said...

It's looking all Christmasy there around your place Miz Joan. Your fridge foray reminded me that I MUST get to work on mine before it's time for all those Christmas dinner leftovers. Mine's full of about 50 jars and bottles of stuff that probably needs to go to heaven with your tupperware stuff.

Joan said...

JimBob...I have been looking for you man...where have you been? I'll check out the website, but as usual I have no idea what you meant. Yay...life is back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely and festive at your place!
You have inspired me to get off my keester and at least clean out the frigidaire!

Anonymous said...

Being one to post the occasional helpful link - now that the buzzards have quite circling...

I'll link you to the guru's TOC.


Cookies specifically:

Enjoy! ;-) ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sheesh - it cut off the line.


Curtis said...

Now that was a tour !

Brenda said...

Ok, where you at? Did you and Slim get tangled so that you're having to remove fake pine cones from yer,,,,?