I never lifted my head off my pillow before 11:00 AM all five days. I am new woman! Other than the unfortunate shopping trip where I lost my trousers ... it went well.
The back 40 still looks like a dog's breakfast because it was reseeded and we can't mow it for another week or so. But everything else is coming along. I really resent summer, because you bust your ass trying to get all the crap winter has thrown at it back into shape, and then it's fall? WTF, whose idea of a good time is that? Not mine brother.
I stained my deck, and stained my new picnic table. Gord and I put it together last Sunday. And I am proud to report no one got hit on the head with a 2x4. We acted like adults. I was close to taking him out a few times, but I held my wicked tongue between my clenched teeth, and ran up the stairs to the house for about the 2,345th. time to get a different screwdriver, hammer, measuring tape, a pencil for marking the 2x4 I had being eying up if he was going to give me grief, the table instructions, a cold drink, .... but then I the was the go-fer and he was da man who built it. And he did a good job. No 2x4 for him, this time. He even put the bench seat back a little further than most picnic tables. I hate trying to wiggle into those things. Now we have lots of room. In case I grow. And it is spaced far enough so Penny can jump up on the bench and on to the table. THE TABLE, you say, yes the table..we don't eat on it. Penny loves sitting up there. I put the table out in the garden today, and we can sit there and she has her kibble and snack, playtime and drinks out of the pond when she is thristy. I just love it.
Hey, she's old, I spoil the crap out of her. I'm just thankful she can run around again and have fun. No more pain.
Just a few pic's of the on going struggle. The pond is almost good to go. I will take more of that later.
Oh Goodness! How Pretty Joan! Everything looks SO lush! You did a good job on that table! Now sit back and enjoy the ten minutes left of Summer!!lolol...Happy day sweetie!hughugs
Your yard and deck and picnic table look beautiful! How lovely it must be to sit out there and enjoy the sunshine. I am jealous... but you did bust your butt for it!
What a great garden! WOOOOOT!
Awesome Miz Joan. I love how cool it looks in your garden and on your deck.
Your back yard is gorgeous!!! Gord (and you) did a great job on the picnic table and it will only take a minute to stain the edge of the seat--go for it.
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