I lost the diamond on my engagement ring earlier this year, and he was like.." it was old"... and who cares. So I went to Walmart and bought myself a Cubic Zirconia for 20.00 bucks, because my original wedding band split in half about two years ago, and I was ringless. And I just hated it when guys kept hitting on me and thought I was single. It's tuff being a couger.
But you have to hear the story.
We have friends that lived beside years ago in our old house. They moved away 25 years ago, and we have kept up a tradition of sending out newsletters to each other and calling on Christmas eve.
First, to explain... In my newsletters I always complained that Gord bought me crap for Christmas, and usually it was Turkey Roaster, heated car seats, and yes, he did buy a lot of computer shit I wanted...but nothing personal..ever. Tunney, our friend, always gives his wife really cool stuff, so I was always jealous.. It was on going joke over the years.
So, this year when I wrote our newsletter, I told them I had lost my diamond in my engagement ring and wished for a replacement. And then joked around...saying..yeah rite...I'm only going to get a George Foreman grill.
They called us early on Christmas eve because they had to go to their son's house, and we weren't at home, so they left a message. In that message, Tunney joked around and said "Gord for God's sake get your wife a diamond ring"!
What I haven't told you yet, is that Gord never saw the newsletter I sent to Tunney and his wife.
When Gord got home later in the evening I told him Tunney had left a message on the answering machine. Gord was sitting in his recliner in front to the TV having a drink and I handed him the phone and he was listening to the message...and I was in the kitchen getting supper going. He listened to the message...and he turned kind of silent after that...and asked why Tunney was asking about a diamond ring....and I told him what I had said that in the newsletter as a joke as I do every year. His wife always gets bling...I get blong. Gord looked a little confused. But I really didn't notice it too much. He just kept on asking me what I wanted for Christmas....and all I could muster up was one of those digital picture frames....which....ummm I didn't really want. I have everything I need.
Then on:
Christmas morning ...after we got up....we went downstairs...with our coffee's and a very excited dog who knows it is Christmas morning...and who has been seated beside her Christmas stocking for two weeks and has to be carried manually up the stairs to go to bed.
Gord opened the boring presents I got him, the dog pissed her pants with the turtle that had two balls inside it's shell which she had to break out. Then it was my turn. He kept on asking me what I thought it was. I had no clue. It wasn't the picture frame...because it was too small. And it was soft. We did the guessing game for two seconds, before I ripped it open. The box was stuffed with "my towels" that I never saw went missing. And at the bottom of it was a little box.
I didn't even get it then.
I opened it..and then there was another box..a jewellery type box...in my head I was going WTF... and when I opened that one...I lost it. I started to cry...balonie doesn't do crying... too much. It's the ring I would have picked... I love wide bands, I love white gold..
Plus he gave me a Wacom pen for Scrapbooking......oy...I think he still likes me.
I never thought he would have cared about my sadness when I lost the diamond to my engagement ring. This ring will do double duty for both rings..engagement and wedding ring. I'ts such a nice wide band. I'm not a person who wears jewellery so it's all good.
So that's my story.
Tomorrow I will regale you with the Christmas tales at my brother's home, and Christmas with the Lutheran's we had here yesterday. I have the next week off, so I got a lot tales to tell.
It's beautiful! How sweet!!!
How lovely! And how delightful to know that sometimes our other halves are not totally oblivious!
Beautiful ring and a lovely, sweet Christmas! Plus now you have a great story to tell!
That is a truly lovely story! Give Gord a big pirate hug from me. But don't tell him. Just do the AARRRGHH thing and walk away.
Isn't it Beautiful?!!! Glad you posted on your blog about it...FB wouldn't let me blow up the photo to get a good look!Hahaa...I Love IT11
Sweet Gord!!!
WOW!!! I hate gifts that make me cry because I don't ever cry--not even at funerals--no way--I look terrible when I cry, but Fred has given me gifts that make me cry and I hate him for it. I hate Gord because he got you that absolutely gorgeous ring--damn men!
There's no way he could have chosen a more beautiful ring!! My goodness; it's gorgeous! I'm so happy for you. :)
Tell Gord he did a great job!
The ring is so lovely and the story so sweet!
Way to go Gord! I had full confidence in ya and knew you would come through. Congratulations Joan... beautiful ring.. beautiful Christmas surprise. BTW, I got a diamond for Anne in Punta Cana, of the Dominican Republic in early Dec'09 for Christmas. She picked it out and then I got it off her finger when we got home and wrapped it up for Christmas.(LOL)
checkin in on ya,,,, SO GALD I DID EVEN THOUGH IT IS LATE.
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