Friday, June 01, 2007


This post may contain course language and viewers should be advised.

I might have gone to the wine trough one too many times tonight. Friday is the one night I let my hair down, all two inches of it. Yes, I got a haircut!...and I'm looking at you "Magic Cuts." The only magical part about it was ... I had hair on my haid when I went in .. and when I left I didn't. Okay, I see your point, that was the magical part. Pardon me.

Actually the cut wasn't too bad, she took off 5000 lbs. of hair that grows on the lower back part of my skull! Why would hair grow in such numbers on the lower part of your haid? I pondered that all day, between fretting about Gordon, working, shopping, and just being an ass hole. I came up with an answer, I am a hairy ass hole.

Nothing says it better than a ugly google image. God bless them.

So, guess my weight? 149...wrong
148..wrong again win!!

And it's not all about stress either, I am applying all my old weight watcher techniques I learned years ago, plus making shit up myself as I go along. Gord has lost a shit pile too. So, we are in this together. KFC is almost off my mind. But, I have a hungering for noodles.."pasta" for those who pastarized. I call em noodles by damn! I make stuff with "noodles"...but not as many as I would actually like any other human to see what I put in my mouth. Some people who go on diets want dessert, I want noodles fortheloveofaknoodlefart! I want them with spaghetti, and I love them fried up in butter with eggs. OHHHH I'm so hungry right now!! I will have noodles tomorrow, I have it all planed, and then I will eat till my tummy hurts and then have a nap. I should be good until next month.

Any you know, when I went into google images, I found a shit pile of of low fat noodle dishes...Let the games begin.

Noodles are us...yummmmmmmmmmmknoodles..........

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