Friday, February 08, 2008

I think I am a real tit somedays

I have been reading some of the blogs from those who have been nominated for the "Bloggie" awards this year. Some of them are just dumb. But, I guess I have my own preferences in what interests me when I read a blog.

Here they go "Bloggie" Schmoggie, Helen Bo Bellen...Bloggie!.... can you hear me singing people!!

I'm trying to mind my manners tonight, but I have a bug in my ear.

  • Do not for theloveofabloggerseyes keep on crossing out words as some kind of a understatement of what you really wanted to say. It just fucking pisses me off. If I wanted to read a blog that was full of ___ this shit I would rather not read anything. It's gets boring really fast. That is why God made "White Out" for shits sake, go and write a letter and "White Out" the parts you ...oh so have unitentionally written. Your letter will look really stupid. Better yet, on your blog, delete the sentences you have stroked out, and let's see if your dern blog makes any sense. I know, I have bad habits theforloveof shit stuff. I'm not as kind as the Pioneer Woman. Mennonite Women like to sass, when their men aren't looking..heh..

  • I guess the next one is the LINKING, I don't mind following a link just once in awhile in a blog if I am interested, but the LINKING has turned into a disease. I like to call it Linkfuckingitis. I don't think there is a cure. Once a blogger figures out how to link, he/she NEEDS to acquaint you with every damn thing they find on the internet that applies to their situation. That, is boring. I really don't care what shoes you would like to buy look like...just don't link it. Tell me more about yourself, your kids, or your crack habit, but please don't show me your damn shoes! Some blogs have about the same amount of strike outs as those that have links. That is boring. Yawn. Links and strikeouts are the bain of my blogging existence.

  • Blogs that have a red background, and black text colour. What in the hell are you thinking? It's like trying to read the back of my "Beano" bottle. I can't read it!! Yes, I have a little gas problem, but Beano has resolved some of it. The rest is up to God. So, you see what I have done here right now is, make some other blogger unhappy, and they will say...I HATE IT WHEN BLOGGERS TALK ABOUT GAS. Yeah...Pffffffff. Sorry about that. My chair just lifted up about an inch. What is it these days with the gas? I heard there was a shortage....come on down if you are short of it, I have some to spare.

Blogger has managed to do away with spell check, and I didn't write this in "writer" as I usually do, but I'm not going to do it all over again for one lousy ...make that 20 spelling errors. Let's not even get into the grammer.

I am my worst enemy.

Friday night supper: Pizza...lean stuff..but good.

Balonie will be putting up some recipes this weekend. She hasn't been around much of late, because I can't find that bitch!! If I don't get on her ass it's all over.

Happy Fryday!!

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