Monday, March 13, 2006

My dad liked talking to statues

...and when he talked to them..he would stat you? HAAAA..we would laugh till our side hurt! I have another pic around here somewhere where we went on holiday to the US, and we landed up in a place where they had the house where Abe Lincoln lived and you could sit and have tea with him on an outside patio. The figure was very life like, and Dad took advantage of another photo op, with a President. We had to drag him away. Always the character me dad was.

He was a man who worked hard during the year, but when we went on holiday...he let his hair down...(well so to speak).. I probably made most of them fall out. My mom used to tell me a story of when she would go to the movies with a friend, and she would come back to find dad fast asleep on the couch with pin curls in his hair! I was crazy about hair, and always wanted to give someone a "do."

Sometimes Dad went a fun way...give that guy my moms skirt, a hat, and he was your girl for the night!! This was taken at the cottage, and I guessing some beer was involved.

His birthday is coming up this week...and I want to cry. I miss me daddy.

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