Thursday, September 30, 2010 more sleep

And it will be official, I will be an OLD FART.  It's freaking over.  Someone call the old people police. Halp!  My friend Roberta sent me this card.  On the inside of the card it says "If you guess "C" you are correct! (But something tells me you've played this game before.)...heh...yup many times before.  But I was struck by  the likeness to my friend Poolie who darts in and out of here some days.  I tried to find a picture of her in her blog...but she's not on blogger and I couldn't figure out the achieves in word press.... or wordstock... whatever these old hippies use. But it looks like her. 

One more sleep and I will have been out of the chute 65 years...lord it's been a long time.  I need me some ribs a side of fries, coleslaw..and bottle of wine.  Then take me home and put me to bed.  The rest of my life is going to be a piece of cake....ohhhhh cake...let's not forget the cake.

Balonie ... shaking off the fungus... and looking forward.


Dawn said...

Happy Birthday !! :) May your golden years be filled with good health, joy and happiness!!

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your ribs, fries, and cake...mmmm cake!

Donna said...

May the Blue Bird of Paradise bring you ALL you wishes!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy birthday, you crazy lady! May this be the beginning of another great year for you. And yes...I kinda DO look like the bird flipper! You are too damn cute!