Monday, July 16, 2007

My haid is too big for my body

I just looked at my new pic, and for god's sake I have a pumpkin up there. I have to quit loosing weight,.. or I will start scaring the neighbours kids! Hopefully it was just the angle. How does one loose weight in their head? I have successfuly lost a lot of brain know about the "70's.. But, I think some of it grew back. That stinking "miracle grow" I was using the other day ...I must have massaged some of it on my head? If I have flowers growing out of my eyeballs., you will be the first to see the picture. Or maybe I will submit it to "America's Most Wanted, Home and Garden Edition."

Sometimes I feel I am marching to hell. Hup.. one two three four, what the hell are you reading my blog for...hup. I don't think Canadians sing that kind of song, it's just for the Americans. We in Canada sing, two three four, is their a sale at the K Mart store. We are all about saving a buck. I actually passed up a sale the other day, because it looked too cheap.

I am rambling..did you notice? It's because I haven't had my supper.... I'm not hungry, also I don't want my head to grow any bigger.

I really want to change my template, I can taste it, it would be worth 4.96 US to do it. Encourage me. Make me take on Jimbob.

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