Monday, January 05, 2009

Who knew

You could make so many spelling mistakes, leave out so many words in a sentence, and be so grammatically incorrect? My last post is a shining example of shameless blogging. If you are going back ...forget it..I cleaned it up a bit, but it's still a shambles. Apparently I have invented my own version of grammar and spelling. It seems that when a thought pops up in my head, I start writing from the end of the thought to the beginning of it. A new and inventive way to write. It's like if I told you a story about my dog barking at a squirrel she cornered in a tree. My version would be: Penny saw a tree, and started barking at a squirrel. Do you see the pertinent information that was left out? I will have to work on my "thought process." Man,I don't make any fucking sense. The pertinent information was.....Penny saw the squirrel, jumped around the tree trying to get the squirrel, then gave up and took a dump. My version....Penny took a dump, when she saw a squirrel. Okay enough with that analogy. The next time she does that I hope that squirrel bites her in the ass. Or should I say, Penny had an ass, and a squirrel bit it.

So, this is the way I write. It's nuts, and a little confusing. Try to read between the lines until I take about 2 frickin minutes to spell check and proof read. Mind you I find my own stuff so hard to proof read. I can spot stuff in other blogs, but not my own. I think it was the ham soup personally, it makes you crazy.


Brenda said...

AhHa! And the peas in the ham soup give you gas,,,you ever noticed that?

Your grammer is just fine. I write exactly the way that I talk so you know that's screwed up. :-)

Brenda said...

See? I can't even spell GRAMMAR!

Joan said...

Heh...Brenda I spelled Grammar..Grammer the same way until spell checked got it...heh...

Donna said...

I know how to's...funner that way!LOL...Happy day sweetie!hughugs

Anonymous said...

Oh, you crack me up! The Belgium thing is from a movie called "If' It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium." It's a weird movie about a group of tourists trying to visit 18 countries in 7 days. The only way they know where they are is by consulting the schedule. It's a lot funnier than it sounds. Like most things. WHEEE! I just added you to my Google Reader thingie so I don't miss a moment of your wit and wisdom (and grammer...gramer...grammar)

Anonymous said...

And never fear, I open your page!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm one of those neurotic people who reads and rereads until I'm blind before I publish and still make a lot of mistakes! Grrr. Great post!