Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Zen, spoke to me +Happy Blogiversary to me.

Ven youse gits too cratzy mit the alphabitz, den you kanst carry on mit da schrieben.

So, I'm carrying on mit da schrieben. Now, that I have not only bastardized the English language, I have taken on the German language. I have a lot on my plate. It's only a matter of time when the WORD police storm my home. Let them try to take me. I have lots of words. Words, I haven't even used yet. Well, if I would look through my blogs I might see that I have used a good portion of them.

I remember something that happened three years ago or so ......
which reminds me ... I started my blog in January of these fingers have done a lot of walking since then. Happy Blogiversary to me. So there. I think wine is in order. Done.

Back to my story....

In those days I sort of mimicked other bloggers. You know . with the language .. and the shortcuts to get my story told. I have to admit it was slap happy writing. And I so liked to use ellipses which has not changed to this day. I cannot live without them........ see? My blog wasn't supposed to be a classic novel. Just my journal and a way to meet fellow bloggers.

One day, a guy left a comment on my blog. Apparently, he was someone who was trying to teach other people how to write a blog; and made mine an example of "how not to write a blog"....ouch. He actually took my blog into his and pointed out the errors of my ways. In his comment to me, he said ... I hope you don't mind, but I have used your blog to teach bloggers how not to blog. He never asked my permission. But then I was just a babe in the woods as far as blogging went, so I didn't know what to do.

I was devastated when I went on his site and found he made fun of the way I wrote. He did that to a lot of other people too. He searched for blogs that he found to be beneath him and used them as a example. I should have sued that bastard. But it didn't keep me from blathering on. I was very new to blogging at the time, so I didn't shake his ass, but if someone would do that to me right now, I would find him and barbecue his ass. I almost quit then, because I so embarrassed. I felt so dumb and wondered about those who commented on my site, would they read his review? I think blogging /journals have gone beyond that now... here was a typical jerk trying to undermine those that were just trying to put their thoughts out there, without any judgment and just having some fun.

But as it is in anything these days, there are always the those who feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better and superior. So I carried on, and left him in my dust. He would have been the typical hockey dad that beat up the coach if his kid was benched. I just can't deal with people like that.

So, that was my initiation to the blogging world.

Blogging has been the one and only thing I have taken on, that I have not quit. I start projects all the time and never really see them through...either I get bored or find a reason to quit. I really liked digital scrap booking, but I'm saving that one for retirement because it just takes up way too much time. Hand Scrapping would have sent me over the wall with all the little pieces of crap you have glue to paper and shit...Oy, I would have to put a gun to my head. I still have a rug hooking kit downstairs with an unfinished rug sitting there from 1987. It's beautiful, but for some reason I cannot finish off the last 10 rows. I lost interest and that was it. I tried to finish it off about two years ago, and found my wrists were not as nimble as they were in 1987, so it's still waiting for me.

I love to crotchet, I really do, but it demands you have sit in one place .. and you can't really watch TV and do housework at the same time. I remember crocheting 3 Afghans for my nieces while watching the winter Olympics in Calgary. I never saw any of it, my eyes were on my work. Figure skating was my favourite, and I missed when all the skaters fell.......son of a bitch.. the best part!.. and then every time I would raise my eyes to watch the TV they would be skating perfectly, and once I looked down at my work again I would hear the crowd groan, and they would be on their asses on the ice. Or if they did the most perfect quad...or whatever, I would miss it!! I managed to finish afghans, only to discover I had carpal tunnel in my wrist from crocheting the hell out of it. Yes, they were big mother afghans and I had to do THREE in one month. So, now I blog. I am still only listening to the TV in the background, but who cares. This is more fun.

So, thanks for reading my blogiversary special. If you have tuned out by have missed nothing nadda.... maybe a few ellipses. But there is more of those where they came from. My fingers are full of them.


Bobbie said...

Happy Blogiversary to you! Keep up your great writing. I really enjoy dropping by to see what you've written. To heck with that guy who left that comment. He sounds like a stick in the mud to

Brenda said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! I bet that guy who trashed your blog had the most boring blog in blogland. Each and every time I've visited your blog, I have been thoroughly, and totally, entertained. I laugh, a few times I've cried. I love reading what you've written.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogversary to you! :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary. Now tell us - what's the url to his incredibly talented blog. The blog we all need to aspire to write!!!!

In the beginning I had some nasty comments. I liked them. They gave me fodder. Now, people are askeered to comment bad things about my poor writing. I miss those people. They gave me focus and drive to continue on, almost ten years later.

Keep on blogging! Even if you suck! Which, you don't. But if you

Anonymous said...

YAY! Happy blogiversary! I am so glad I found your site! Hugs to you! Keep going!

Mary Lou said...

GOOD GOD MAUDE! Has it been 4 years already? I remember when you were asking ME how to change templates etc. Now you are the QUEEN of change! Keep on being your "boring self" We all love it! Never a boring day in here! I started for ME and I will continue blogging for ME! that is the only way to be true to yourself!

Good job Joanie...Baloney too!

JustMe said...

Happy Blogoversary! You mean people actually paid someone to teach them to blog?? Talk about stupid... hahhahah

Joan said...

Hey thanks youse guys...I wish I would have kept his comments on the blog entry he answered to, but you know in those days I lost all of them because I was on Haloscan and kept on changing my frickin template. I should go back into the archieves and see if I can find that bastard...and send my posse in. Your the bestest..

And Mary were my saviour of sorts while I was trying to find my way in the day. You took me in like a stray cat, and introduced me some very nice people that I still read and comment to every day. So, thanks. I probably wouldn't have carried on without your help.

Sally said...

I'm so glad you continued to blog; as I've said before, you're one of a kind, unique, funny and best of all a good friend. Keep up the good work, and keep enjoying it 'cause we enjoy reading. :)

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I've only been blogging for a few months and it has been a great experience so far. Best wishes to you for many more blogging years.

Joan said...

Hey, I have never had 11 comments before, I am going to nominate myself for some kind of blogging award. So if they have a "Jackass" award? I'm there girl.