Thursday, June 29, 2006

I was just minding my own business when....

I hurt myself, and there were witnesses.

My boss just left about an hour ago to go golfing and the office is dead ... nothing happening. So, I thought I would tidy up in the back warehouse a bit, and then decided to go out for a smoke.

Someone had placed a large pallet in the back of the building, it's about 6' high and 2 ft. wide and it was propped vertically against the wall with the front part facing the wall leaving the inside exposed. For some reason I backed myself into it and put my heels on the bottom rung, and rocked on it for a few minutes. It was kind of cool. Then, for some unknown reason, I decided to turn around, facing it and put my feet on the rung.

Have you ever stepped on a rake and got bonged in the head by the handle? Well, I got hit with a pallet just that way. "Fortheloveofadonkeysass".... how fricken stupid!! I got a bump on my nose and my glasses are all crooked.

A couple of guys were just coming out of the restaurant across the back lane and ran over to see if I was alright. God,I was so embarrassed. I just shoed them away, and said I was fine. I pretended I was rearranging the position of the pallet and it had come down on me. They picked it up and set it down against the wall horizontally, so no little kids would get hurt if they played on it. Yeah!!

Can you believe it...gawwddd..

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