Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I got hit again..........

Just after getting over the Christmas flu season......I got a mother of a cold. Fuck, what is it with this shit this year? I know Gordon gave it to me, because he has been coughing in my face for a week. Awwww shit. And it's sooooooooooo cold outside, so, so.. cold you can't imagine. If Penny would have balls, they would have been freeze dried by now. That is how cold she be.

Now with my husky voice, I'm thinking of applying for CANADIAN IDOL, auditions coming to our town next week. ...singing my rendition of "Summertime"...and the living is easy...fish are jumping...and the cotton is high...your momma's rich, and yer daddies good lookin...so hush pretty baby dowwwwwn't you cry. Who says you can't start a new career at 61. No one has discovered me yet...it's all in the presentation. So, I'm going to sing it from the back of a 58 Buick..nakid.

Heh...must be the med's talkin'....time for this balonie to hit the hay. I had a lot of plans for this weekend, but I can see this cold is going to conk me out for sometime to come. It's just starting. And I'm still perkie...but let the phelem begin, and the rest of the shit..... see you on the other side.


Anonymous said...

ONO!!! Please do not be ill...
How can one be as ill as you are and still be funny..Please!!!
I wish I could watch you on Canadian Idol..I would vote for you as I was laughing hard..it is not fair you can be so entertaining while ill!!! And I know that stuff is nasty!!!
Please get better!

Anonymous said...

Hope yer feeling better soon Joan!

ellen said...

Oh, poor you; I hope you feel better real soon.

Anonymous said...

Zach has been coughing so of course he had to grab my drink to have a sip and now I'm coughing,,,the little shit,,,anyway, I was abed by 8 pm last night.

Hope your cold isn't too bad this time. Do you take vitamins w/minerals?

Sally said...

I'm sorry you're sick! Maybe you need a humidifier.......:)

Joan said...

lu..I'm still here, I had to go to work today, but it was tough. Don't know about tomorrow.

Jimbobbers...thanks ..me tooooo!!

Ellen...its just a rut in the road, make me a pot of my fav hamburger soup with macaroni...with crusty noses, oops I meant crusty rolls..


Brenda, I gave my vitamin C's to Gord, because I bought the chewable one's ...I don't like them. They make me salivate..like a mad dog!!..grrrruph..

Joan said...

Sally...HEHHHHH...that sucker made me sick, I swear. Mr. Plow Boy, Humidifier Man is putting me in my grave. I do have a good insurance policy, and he needs a new van...so I better watch my back.

Anonymous said...

If antibiotic is not available..try some mucinex...preferably Mucinex D or DM..Nyquil had no decongestant anymore, but it is not as good as Mucinex anyhow..also if you have one of the coughing fits, I have no idea why, but sometimes letting some salt melt in your mouth helps..I do not know why! A humidifier..Okay now :-o)
I hope you get better...who cares if you salivate...go ahead!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. There's never a good time for a miserable cold but when it's -30 with a wind, well, that's just mean. Sleep sleep sleep if you can and feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feelin' a little perkier today and that the weekend is even better.