Friday, March 07, 2008


It's very quite around here in It's Always Something Land.

Did I fart? ... and cyberspace passed it on to you? I thought I put in capable hands.

Have I not been entertaining enough? No..would be the right answer. But, I'm dang sure it's those pencils on my template that have been running you off. So, tomorrow I will take this matter up with balonie, and get to the bottom of this. I have a meeting set with her in the "bored" room at 9:32 AM sharp. Either we continue, or we pack 'er in. One of us is running on empty. And I think it is me. I always have had such great plans to post pictures, etc. but in reality I only have a 1/2 hr. time line in the evening to do this. By the time I am finished(shopping) preparing supper after I get home from work, plus cleaning, making beds, playing with the dog it's 7:00 PM. On weekdays Gord gets home from work at 7:00 - 30 PM and by the time we eat and everything is cleaned up it's 8:00PM. So, I use between 7:00 and 7:30 to blog. I don't feel like doing it after supper, I'm tired and still have more shit to do. Plus I like to watch a little TV. Not much. But a little. And go to bed. On weekends I don't give a shit when we eat. We play it by ear.

I need a break. I guess that is what the dead of winter does to you. On weekdays I used that 1/2 hour very well, but now it seems like such a chore. I guess because it's still one hundred fricking below, the wind is howling and there is no spring in sight. My deck is full of dogshit, because it's too cold for Penny to go down the stairs outside. She seems to have a lame leg and I don't want her hopping up and down the stairs from this HOUSE THAT HAS THE STAIRCASES FROM HELL.

And I can't get my new video camera to work, I want more wine, my bra is too big (f*k) don't loose weight the "girls" go first, my left eye keeps twitching, I want more wine. I can't wait to get back on the deck, sans the dog shit and piss, and sit at my patio table in the warm summer sun and post a blog on my laptop. Winter is a waste of life. On the other side, if I would actually get off my ass, and go outside in the deep dark cold and partake of skiing, skating and hurt myself, then I would be very afraid of Virgina Wolf. Huh? I don't know where that came from..doesn't make any sense. That, my dear friends is what winter does to people like me, who always have their heads about them, and loose them. Not my fault. It's the template. Get ready, get set.. I'm making a change. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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