Sunday, April 12, 2009

The hams in the oven

I don't know squat about cooking a ham. This should be interesting. I would have preferred Rabbit but my sources have dried up since my dad died many years ago.

Not to gross anyone out, but we did always have rabbit at Easter. It was a tradition in the country. Jack Rabbit. Processed ( I didn't say killed) just before they turned from white to brown in spring. My dad's "wabbit pusher" has long since passed away, so I go without. I can get Rabbit here in the city, but it's not the same. I bought it once at a Italian market and the meat was white, it should be brown. I'm thinking they were not wild rabbits. My mom used to pot roast it....and it was so good.

I would bring the wine at Easter. Crackling Rose...remember that shit? We would all gather around the table, and dad would do the toast... First with the Happy Easter up your keister meester, and then we would raise our glasses of Cracking rose, and Dad would say....Crackling Rose Schmucks gut mit hose!! (hose being rabbit in low german). Oh how he loved to rhyme. And just being a silly dink. Damn I miss those days.

So now we got our own Easter traditions going on. We buy a new big motherfricking TV before Good Friday. And bigger than the last. I am sure God is looking down at us with a frown. This transition from a 32" to a 50" blew my head off. (needless to say our old one was an antique)...But I would have rather have had supper with my parents with the pot roasted Easter bunny and some cheap wine.

And here I am watching a 50" TV and eating's all so decadent. BTW, the ham was good, I made a sauce for it, with Cinnamon...very very good, plus scalloped tators and carrots and peas on the side.

I didn't get a lick of bookwork done today. I was so busy with laundry, cleaning up the mess with the TV changeover...making a new batch of wine, transplanting plants, everything I could possibly do in order NOT TO do bookwork. I succeeded. We still can't go outside, as the backyard is swamped. And it finally started to rain. But the birds have finally come back. They were chirping with a vengeance this afternoon. I had a whole flock of Robins come in the back yard, and I finally had to go out in the back deck and tell them to KEEP IT DOWN! Good grief, they were nuts. And every now and then you would hear one of them hit a window...jeez they were crazed. I took a video of them, but I couldn't find my cord ...but I will show you and let you hear their deranged behaviour.

Off to watch more TV...shhhhhh. don't tell anyone, because I tell everyone I don't watch that much TV. Well, those days are over!


Donna said...

We ate lunch Saturday with Hubby's Mom & Dad, Crys, Tim and the kids...but Sunday, Hubby and I just looked at each other...Kids were elsewhere...I also miss the fun we'd have at My Mom and Dad's...
Happy Monday sugar!hughugs

Judy said...

I miss all the holidays we used to have with Mom and Dad. Funny--when I'm gone my kids won't say that because...they don't do hardly any holidays with Mom and Dad. I feel a tear coming on....brats--all of them!

Brenda said...

I love wild rabbit and we haven't had any in ages either.

My Easter was horrible, nuff said.