Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Elvis the Pelvis

Before I get into this sheeit.. Just want to wish me friend the amazing ..Special amazing Birthday.....I likes her a bit....she's not so bad...has a way about her that makes a body all the rest....Happy Birthday you little stinker.. no offence..

Well, it was a toss up between watching the new Elvis movie on TV or blogging...guess what I chose? yeahhhh bloggin.

I don't know who the actor is that is playing Elvis ...but he looks like a "carp"...with a bad hair day.. WILL SOMEBODY JUST LET HIM REST IN PEACE... jeezes murphy!! Priscilla..looks she just got out of convent of something...grrrrr.....I'd rather watch old Ed Sullivan re-runs..because the real Elvis might be on it....

This sorta took me back to when Elvis was king and I was just a teenager looking for love in all the wrong places.. I think I got my first Elvis record in about 1958...Blue Suede friend Dolores and I bopped our booties off listening to the song 3 million times. I bought every movie magazine with his pic in it....and I must have 30 of them hanging in my bedroom. I watched every movie he ever made at that time in our "show hall"....giggling and swooning with my girlfriends...We didn't "scream" or anything when the movie started, as that would have been unseemly..for a mennonite chick...we just yakked it up like a bunch of chickens...until the usher told up to shut up. And by the time he made Blue Hawaii few years later...(we smuggled in a mickey of vodka) and got pissed...we were so much older and wiser then.

Elvis was really a big part of my life growing up. I will always remember when he was scheduled to come on the Ed Sullivan parents were on "red alert"...Mom and Dad made so much fun of him ...calling him "Elvis the pelvis"...and worse stuff. Of course, the more they made fun of him the more I was .. jest in love with him....

The night arrived, Mom, Dad, baby bro, and I sat down on a Sunday night in front of our black and white TV to see ELVIS....I was pissing my pants with anticipation all day.. Then Ed Sullivan came out...and said ...HERE ON OUR STAGE IS...ELVIS PRESLEY..and he started to sing... I was jest a bopping and stuff...and snapping my fingers, singing along with the tunes!! I was in my happy place. My parents and my bro (who was only 11) ..took this time to comment about my hero...Bro: he's ugly...Parents: Elvis the Pelvis ...yadda yadda (shut up already, I'm rocking here) , and telling me that teenagers are listening to way too much bee bopp music..."what's wrong with Perry Como?"..well for one.. Mom, I'm getting tired of his sweaters.... and I'm just not in the crooning time of me life ..yaknow... and after it was over the folks were all cheering because Ed Sullivan said next Sunday he would have the Osmund Brothers on....god help me... give me Perry Como anyday...popo giggo..or whatever the name of that puppet was...the "Flying Frankensteins", anything but The Osmunds...palesse....even those guys who used to juggle plates would have been okay......remember them?...there was a lot of oooooooooooohhh's and awwwwww's going through our living room...when they performed...we always wondered how they could juggle so many plates in the air without breaking any.....those were the days...amazed by anything...

Elvis and I never really parted ways....his music was a gateway to the stuff I still listen to now...I don't actually put Elvis on most of the time.. but I think it was the beginning of RR..and then we all put our own spin on it...Nothing makes me feel better than to put on a Janis Joplin tune ....and get lost in it....yeah..I'm still an old hippy...

ms. balonie

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