Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ahhh ferget the meme..fudge

Let's talk about the ole folks do.

Winds were about 80 mile an hour

It snowed some, peculiar for these parts cause we normally don't git us any snow until after the sunflowers are harvested. Must be a change in the air.

The dawg was confused, and chilly without without her store bought coat.

She pissed on the deck.

A dawg like that ain't no good for huntin. We don't need us any chicken shit dogs.

So, I fried her up for supper. I told my mister it was chicken.

When he asked me where the dog was, I told him she ran away.

He sayed: "Woman..I was saving that no good dog up for Sunday supper, go and find her".

I tolds him, she would be back, probably in the morning. Check your Stool Mail!

heh..I just made that up...y'all.

balonie rides again............


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